
Governance Board

The MITI governance board members are expected to respond to community feedback, participate in strategic planning, and approve changes to the governance model. The board will resolve revisions/issues for which the community cannot reach a consensus in a reasonable timeframe. This board will remain for 18 months followed by a community-based voting of a new governance board (3-5 board members). New candidates can be proposed by board members, community members, or via a direct application. We welcome and encourage participation by everyone!

As of 2023-10-18, the MITI governance board comprises (i) Denis Schapiro, PhD, Research Group Leader at the Heidelberg University (Chair); (ii) Adam Taylor, PhD, Senior Research Scientist, Sage Bionetworks; (iii) Sarah Arena, MS, Data Scientist, Harvard Medical School

Community Participation

This is a consensus-based community standard. Anyone with an interest can join the community, contribute to the schema design and implementation, and participate in the decision-making process. Community discussions should be limited to Github and forum in #mcmicro.

Changes to MITI require a submission via Github Issues with the following information:

  • Scope and Field
  • Summary of changes
  • Example
  • Implementation as a pull request

Please reach out to the governance board with questions about how to engage in community discussions or submit revisions. If the implementation needs a revision, the community can discuss and vote for the submission via Github for at least 30 days.


MITI Governance Board meetings occur bi-monthly or quarterly and are open to the public. Dates and times for scheduled meetings will be posted below.

Next Meeting

The next MITI meeting will take place in December via Zoom reach out to for the Zoom link

Previous MITI Meeting Minutes